For the motorized automata project, I decided to create a scene from the Zelda game "Wind Waker". I grew up playing Nintendo games and as an only child, they brought me a lot of fun. I met my boyfriend Ryan through playing games and wanted to create an automata for his favorite game Zelda for his upcoming birthday. I was inspired by several wooden and lego automata projects for Zelda [1][2]. One key takeaway from this project was KISS, "Keep it Stupid Simple". From the get go I choose an overly ambitious project for the timeline, so I decided to scale back and focus on the wave motion. I have never done a project like this before and I was excited about the possibilities. I originally 3D printed my cam shaft out of Nylon; however, cam circles were too small and the spacing was off. For the final project, I laser cut my cam circles and offset them from another to create a wave motion. For my hand made pieces, I ...